
Friday 18 March 2011

花樣單品無孔不入 學會大膽用pattern / HOW TO Head to toe patterns


這回更上一層樓來説説更強勢的混花。這個潮流是筆者有生以來首度參與的。一直以來每季潮流都在於單品的發展,單色或者同色系的系列。Pattern今季舉足輕重。大小fashion show街頭巷尾充斥pattern。不是只有一個花樣亮點上身。一個outfit,2種patterns這季絕不爲過。色盲外還更直接的眼盲。


From the last posts I have been talking about the colours hittest trend. It seems like the Chinese and foreigners would mostly accept and appreciate. But never Hongkongese. Perheps we are the most play safe and lacking of creativity. What a shame. HK is getting Mainland alike; mainland is more internation.

This time I gonna talk about the even more tronger trend of mixing pattern. This is the first trend I ever heard and tried in life. The hittest item of the seasons are usually single items or pattern or colours. But it is a mixture of variety colours, colour tone and pattern almost with no logic this time. It can be happening on one single item
or even one single outfit. Every fashion show and on the street are colourfully with plenty of patterns. Such a Wow and carnival like world.

I have found some runway demonstration last post which might be too hard for us to copy. Therefore I would have street snap this time to explain the way to dress in pattern.


The common knowledge of wearing pattern as focus is to pair up with monotone as basic. Another way is to pick one colour from the pattern item as your basic colour. For example below, the nude colour picken from her pants as her blouse and shoes colour.

除此之外另一即食的圖案搭配法就是選購pattern X pattern的現有設計。因爲設計師獨具慧眼拼出的,應當順眼(不順眼的該是設計師力有不逮或閣下眼角高 lol)。
An instant way is selecting the design already include 2 patterns which is supposed to be matching perfectly by the designers if they are good at mix and match and you are comprimizing it.

最後進階版必定是整體同一樣式或2個以上的圖案。有點像我不喜歡的日系。lol 怎樣配嘛?大概沒技巧可言。有膽識夠加點創意和自我感覺良好有何不可。

Last but not least, the advanced demonstration is all over head to toe in 1 or 2 patterns above. This is kinda japanese style which I don't really like. How to mix and match? No rule at all. All you need is braveness, creativity and feeling gr8 with yourself, I'd say, confidence then why not?

Choosing the right pattern for your body figure would be an issue too. However I am lazy to talk about it here. Save for coming post. Thanks reading peep!

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