
Thursday 3 March 2011

Open ceremony X levis 的雞肋之作譲我們潮死去


雖則OP向來走的也只是大路簡約風格,但以crossover作gimmick總需要爲消費者帶點驚喜吧。其單品離不開那幾樣夏天必備,crop jecket, indigo牛仔,hoodies。顔色縱然繽紛,可愛青春度有增,活力也是有的,可是就不怎麼特別,亦無設計感或魅力可言。雖説靈感來自90年代,本來相當誘惑我這種時代懷舊穿着風格的人。但眼看還是平實無味的雞肋。只有8件的collection雖有gimmick,能發揮的應當許多,但最後這樣看來只是用作製造noice的潮流尖端事宜,實質懶躲賣錢作祟而已。

數落了許多,最後不得不提及的賣點是其由我的大愛photographer。Terry richardson操刀的campaing(造型上也很有他的影子)。不過,不知道是否大作太多,cult brand crossover 牛仔實在爲小品,這次大師也較casual了事,照片跟他的visual daily photo blog 差不多。

唉。現今市場只要crossover就能大賣且夠潮創意工夫省得下就刪去。我看這世界快要滅亡,我們一塊潮死去好了。 -strangejoanne

The american cult label is doing a collaboration with the legendary denim brand Levis. There's nothing luxury like H&M dose. But practically 8 pieces collection selling in Febuary. I literally don't think it's attractive to me at all.

Their items are always the formula of spring /summer. Such as the crop jacket, indigo denim, hoodies. Even though they are colourful, lovely and energetic enough, definitely nothing special or interesting. So not creative or sexy at all. It supposes to be inspired from the 90's. As a vintage decade fashion style lover, I'd say it's just simple as American appearl. And the 8pieces collection gimmick is cool. There should be room to be innovated. However, the result is just a fashion trend issue without a bang. It's just sales and marketing driven.

Last but not least, Terry richardson, one of my favourite photographer is the one who managed the campaign. But for this, he has just done the simple casual work as what he usually posts on his visual diary blog. Not much to impressed.

Today's market has been cutting budget and less creativity. They just want the items to be sold and be trendy. I belive it's almost the end of the world. Let's just simply be the most trendiest hipster and that's it and die! -strangejoanne

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